December 8-10 Eldoret. A first-class graduation.

Today we travel to Eldoret for Willys’ graduation. We are delayed a bit but we still make it. I take my chloroquine phosphate tablet to be on the safe side in case the mosquitos bite. The ride to Eldoret is long but comfortable since the east-west highway has been reconstructed recently. Upon arrival Willys has to greet dozens of friends and former classmates. It’s really funny to walk around the campus of Moi university, being the only white brother. I’m offered beers and hugs, but I am so tired I can’t really enjoy the party. My friend offers me a comfortable place to sleep.

The next day we hang out while Willys is rehearsing for the graduation ceremony. I note the sheep that walk around the campus and it makes me feel alive. Unfortunately still tired, I decide to hang around at Abi’s place, where I catch up with some internet work and sleep early.

On graduation day everything is quite hectic, so I get to see Willys only after the official ceremony. Still I have the opportunity to capture him in his gown, and offer him a few beers to celebrate his first class graduation.

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