The opposite of Capitalism is not Socialism, but Laborism: an economical and politica system in which labor takes systematic precedence over capital. The power of the State is used to make labor, not capital, artificially scarce. Under Laborism, the workers have the power and the market is more free than can be realized under Capitalism.
Outrage sugercoated with decency
Free society (noun) - social organization in which only the rich can organize to pay less taxes.
Definition of an Affluent society: a society in which everyone can understand what they do in their discretionary time as their identity, and is comfortable enough to like this identity.
Social Media inequality might become a bigger problem than wealth inequality. In a liberal society, it is easier to tax people than force them to have a certain taste and redistribute their likes and subscriptions. Yet social media inequality could become a source of immense frustration and a destabilizing factor once the world really moves ...

Kindergarten War
"There will always be bullies in the kindergarten", the teacher said, slapped Rudi hit Ukai in the face. - "But look, he has a bloody nose. Can we at least give him a band aid?" said a brave girl. "Quick, but don't make Rudi angry." Two children walked up to Ukai and gave her a ...

Open letter to the Russian Embassy
Dear Russian Embassy, As a Dutch citizen, I would like to express my explicit condemnation of the atrocities that the Russian Federation is currently conducting in Ukraine, as well as the attempts to deny these horrendous acts in the television program Buitenhof by your ambassador, Mr. Shulgin. My heart goes out to all the victims ...

Commoning with my daughter
O my 43th birthday, I took my bicycle to a nearby town to pick up a shovel that I had bought online. I was going to build a club house with my daughter, next to a small river on public land. We found two trees and a log that fit perfectly on the branches. We ...