Looking for a rapper
we will make heard the voices of the exploited whose land and livelihood is being destroyed but who don't have the dollars to fight the white collars we will make heard the voice of the suffering grasses don't mistake me for a gangsta rapper or some fake flashy fast car leper stuck in his McMansion ...
Planning book to help save the world. Got ideas?
Lately, I was reading "Eaarth" by Bill McKibben, the founder of 350.org, and enjoyed it a lot. It accurately describes our predicament, as a society that has breached the safe limits of carbon in our atmosphere. It's key proposal, to take to local solutions, is something I completely underwrite. At some points of the book ...
Mixed revolutionary ramblings
Every day now I become more averse to the system. I observe how my own mind struggles, and how it always shouts the word "local" in both my ears as the key to a solution. A local community is larger than a Greek oikos (etymological origin of the word economy) or household, but smaller than ...
Ecobook Introduction (Draft)
Below is a draft of the introduction to a collaborative e-book (e.co.book) that I instigated on Facebook. This needs work, but I shared it here for the purpose of inviting constructive criticism. Over the last few years, many of us have been active on the Internet sharing information about the damage that the current system ...
Infinite gross, revisited
We hold this truth to be self-evident, that we cannot grow the material economy indefinitely on a finite planet.* Such growth however, is exactly what is needed to keep the economic system from falling apart, as many studies have shown.**

What about the "service economy"? Could it be the solution to grow an economy indefinitely? Of ...
The Decade of Inertia
Obama was perhaps catapulted into power by nifty social media outreach and a moderately credible promise of change we can believe in. When I look at the news, I don't believe in " real change" any more. Isn't the 'outcome' of climate conferences, such as those in Rio and Doha, always the same: empty promises ...
Very Bad vs Downright Catastrophic Climate Change
Image courtesy of realclimate.orgOn this blog I find myself often describing the psychological features of our climatic predicament. I mean, we know the facts, people are working around the clock to get the facts straight, and have succeeded in spite of the heavy lobby in favor of 'the economy' and against the facts. You can ...
Safehouses against capitalism
I'm penning these words while the election in the US is underway. Both candidates seem to give absolute priority to 'repairing the economy', to creating jobs, install the necessary pipelines, wage the necessary wars and destroy the necessary wildlife sanctuaries to keep gas conveniently low at the pump. This is insane and disgusting. What are ...

Bullying! that's the solution. All we need is thousands of anonymous people following the decision makers of the big corporations (Monsanto, DOW, Bayer, Pfizer, Shell, Chevron, Conoco, Vale, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, BP, Coca Cola, Nestle, Apple, Samsung, Goldman Sachs, ...) everywhere they go. Make graffiti, pee in their gardens, block their garages and lawns, ...