Sarcastic rhyme about gun control – do not read
For the next school shooting - may God prevent it - for all those cynical left wingnuts out there who still don't think that when guns evolve as a solution, one should also invent the problems it can solve, here's a distasteful song that you may reprint for free. If you are personally affected by ...
The Decade of Inertia
Obama was perhaps catapulted into power by nifty social media outreach and a moderately credible promise of change we can believe in. When I look at the news, I don't believe in " real change" any more. Isn't the 'outcome' of climate conferences, such as those in Rio and Doha, always the same: empty promises ...
Very Bad vs Downright Catastrophic Climate Change
Image courtesy of realclimate.orgOn this blog I find myself often describing the psychological features of our climatic predicament. I mean, we know the facts, people are working around the clock to get the facts straight, and have succeeded in spite of the heavy lobby in favor of 'the economy' and against the facts. You can ...