Book Publishing – Traversing Africa
Book Publishing - Traversing Africa
29. September 2011. Rabat / Seoul
Yeon and Kamiel have decided to work from different locations for a little while. Yeon will be promoting her book about Charity Travel in South Korea the coming month, while Kamiel will try to travel from Morocco to Kenya overland on a budget. If ...
Non-destructive Travel
There has been a lot of fuzz about our "carbon footprint" and most articles on non-destructive traveling start and end with quoting our unsustainably high carbon dioxide emissions on international flights. The obvious result of these well-intended pieces is that readers can't hear it any longer and lose interest in non-destructive travel altogether. The climate ...
Daily Social Media Fairness Sessions!
Imagine you're a wealthy shop owner and you hear about this "thing", this new technology that strongly amplifies every voice raised on it and thus promises to lure paying customers into your business. Wow, you think, I don't wanna miss this boat, and you ask how much it would cost. "It's free", some bearded hippies ...
Towels and Hooks
Two things are important in public toilets and similar confinements we find ourselves in for distinctively private affairs and these things are towels and hooks. Why write about them? What can we possibly gain from it? If you're not interested in towels and hooks, stop reading and enjoy your day. It's about metaphysics, perhaps. These ...