In a monkey world, never apologize if you are the monkey who tries a different strategy - Choi Lei-Mak
All about: power
Mightless words ! Vehicles of nothing
flapping their wings (in pain), clacking their beaks,
barking to a dying possum,
What power is only poetry can say.

Just now, I was intimidated
Just now, I was intimidated by an indestructible paper cup towering in front of me, a long shadow bulging from its rim. The straw hole in its stained lid vows to annihilate me, its cardboard jacket sinks frivolously in the surface of the table. Sovereignly, he does not move. I ask what do you want? ...

Reading: Enigma with Flower by Pablo Neruda
The great Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (1904-1973, born as Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto) deserves a place in our anthology as well. I browsed his poetry and found this item, 'Enigma with Flower' suitable for today's short reading. Victory. It has come late, I had not learnt how to arrive, like the lily, at will, the white figure, that pierces ...

Because of all the wonderful and extraordinary selves that are currently on display if you are bored enough to browse the Internet, it is easy to misconstrue the nature of self-confidence. Our Internet heroes have grandiose that make them seem independent. The veil of their staged independence is paper-thin, but no-one cares to lift it ...

The power of corporations
We need to understand power, and specifically the power exercised by the agents of neoliberalism, the corporations. And it really isn't that hard. Simple dialectics: Power needs something outside itself in order to function. For example, a psychopath who tortures his victims must assume their independent ability to suffer in order to exercise his power. ...
Power (sketch)
Power (sketch) A neutral observer looks at human interaction between A and B. In order to understand this interaction, the decisions involved have to be explained. Let's say agent A is in control of a resource (we will call this "in power") that agent B wants. If we want to understand this interaction, we need ...

It is what it is?
Working relations are about power. You sell your labor (remuneration is essentially the primary reason for working) or else... Or else you could be reprimanded, suspended, or even - fired. That infernal metaphor is a powerful aid in the manufacturing of the worker's worry, that are designed to last until all productivity has been sucked ...