Philosophy is a profession
"Everybody is a philosopher in their own way." Everybody is an artist in their own way. Everybody is a doctor in their own way. Everybody is a lawyer in their own way. Everybody is a pilot in their own way. Go fuck yourself in your own way.
Don’t think and work
The idea that you get paid for doing your own thinking (which I once regarded naively to be the job description of an academic philosopher). You can think anything, as long as... Your critical thinking is appreciated, provided that... There always has to be a forbidden door. And I am the kind of thinker that ...
The Google God
Free market capitalism, in the time of high-tech communication technology, rewards the marketability of an idea more than the idea itself. Of course, in any liberal capitalist order, good ideas always needed to be noticed before their creator could be rewarded. Traditional investors recognized the potential of an idea for the betterment of society and ...
Make philosophy relevant again
Misunderstanding: After studying "ethics" for many years in university, I don't know more than the average person about how to behave. I know far less. In that sense, such endeavor is the epitome of uselessness. On the other hand, not knowing seems to be better (and you rightly ask, where does this judgment come from?) ...
The task of philosophy
The task of philosophy, often a difficult and painful one, is to extricate and bring to light the hidden categories and models in terms of which human beings think, to reveal what is obscure or contradictory in them, to discern the conflicts between them that prevent the construction of more adequate ways of organising and describing and explaining experience (for all description as well as explanation involves some model in terms of which the describing and explaining ...
Meditation on freedom
Breathe in and think about a beginning. How to start a meditation on freedom? Do we have an entry point, a route that we can follow? Let's clear our head of all that has been said about freedom. Smile. We are going to choose freely what we mean by freedom here. We are gaming ourselves. ...
Philosophy doesn’t cut it
Philosophy doesn't cut it - the letters have all been combined in all possible ways Perhaps the love of wisdom is something for wet animals, the turtle, the frog, the earthworm? Cut in two, the earthworm continues to be. What is being? What wisdom can we aspire to, apart from not being cut in two?
A poet is a lazy philosopher - K. Choi, lazy poet
In Defense Of The Philosophy Faculty
When I began studying philosophy in 1997 some people called it navel-gazing. It is no different in 2017, as calls for austerity affect everything that doesn't generate a direct cash return. The reputation of philosophy, because it has no (and cannot have) direct practical value, is that of a complex game of words that refuses ...