Ever wondered what it is like to do it at great heights? Are you curious what it is like to mount your partner in a zero-gravity environment? Want to learn more about making love weightlessly? You have come to the right place: our company SpaceseX offers an exclusive round-trip to space for sexual partners. You ...
kettle lives
I'm a kettle, I'm a kettle you can call me black I'm a kettle, I'm a kettle but I will fight back I'm boiling with anger, hot fumes rising from my spout so be afraid pot! Watch out! Watch your mouth or you will shatter - Kettle lives matter
There are more things between foreplay and orgasm, fellatio, than dreamt of in your philosophies.
Trompsky #4
Welcome back professor Trompsky, how was your month, I think it has been a month since we have seen each other? - How was yours? [chuckles and murmurs] To be honest with you, sir, it has been terrible. I was terrified by all the suspicious packages addressed to the president's opponents, the horrendous rhetoric of ...
Because a writer is supposed to desire the award. He would be betraying everything if he plays indifference. The award is the highest attainable goal, the apex of any artist and it's blasphemy not to want it with all our might. The award is the appraisal of the Big Other, the ultimate crown on our ...
Sarcastic rhyme about gun control – do not read
For the next school shooting - may God prevent it - for all those cynical left wingnuts out there who still don't think that when guns evolve as a solution, one should also invent the problems it can solve, here's a distasteful song that you may reprint for free. If you are personally affected by ...
Best of humanity
"This is not a vacation, gentlemen" sounded the speaker of the space shuttle. A group of five distinguished white males looked at each other but didn't seem the least uncomfortable. "You have been democratically elected because you are the most promising individuals to continue humankind. We the people have voted for you. Don't let us ...
The real truth of infinite growth

Extinguish everyone that is not us, everything that is not human, let every organism go extinct, with the exception of us, homo sapiens, let the mammals die, the reptiles, the bees, the plankton - never mind our primitive ancestors once were dependent on them for their survival. We won't be. We will have machines ...