Het verhaal van mijn nieuwe roman klonk een tijdje goed, maar is helaas gaan eroderen. In een nabije toekomst krijgen mensen een basisinkomen maar omdat ze zich niet waardeloos mogen voelen is dat verbonden aan de voorwaarde dat ze kunst creëren of consumeren. De overheid forceert dit om sociale samenhang te bevorderen, die verloren dreigt ...
How I created a novel meme
Last night, under the influence of the free blended spirits in the backpackers hostel I stay, I told a young traveler named Joey the outline of my satire novel. Joey was interested so with but few leaps and bounds I told him the entire story. He told me he liked it, but what really touched ...
Kirkenes. Writing and a Do-it-yourself Crashcourse Russian.
I started to realize that getting to Russia from here was too easy to let the opportunity pass, and I got the necessary documents. The travel agency provided an "invitation". So I was invited without knowing anybody in Russia. Well, they knew me, or they knew all they wanted to know about me, and that ...