A Reply To Žižek
Žižek has recently discussed Elon Musks Neuralink project, he gave the standard description of the situation, stressing with the usual drama that it means the death of communication. If our brains are connected by a wire, we have access to the contents of our thoughts without the mediating function of communication. The structural rules of ...
Review: Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall has been a very exciting read for me, and many readers on Goodreads agree (there are 1400 reviews available). It is the best book on geopolitics that I have read so far and it has helped me consolidate what I already knew and taught me a lot of new things as well. ...
Review: Capitalism by Jürgen Kocka
This is the first of some short book reviews here on creativechoice. I love reading and will share my thoughts about the books that I are think are worth my readers' while. The short book Capitalism: A Short History begins with a concise discussion of the most important figures in the history of the concept ...
Reading: Strange Fruit by Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney (1939-2013) was a giant of Northern Irish poetry. He translated Beowulf into lively,  modern language. Heaney was an immensely popular ambassador of poetry. Today, I read 'Strange fruit' - what a muscular and earthly use of language: Strange Fruit Here is the girl's head like an exhumed gourd. Oval-faced, prune-skinned, prune-stones for teeth. ...
Give us the courage to think for ourselves to question the authority that lives in us When blackness befalls the history we make Don't seduce us to become what we hate most In the name of the father, the son, and the holocaust.
Fast Forward

It's not something to say aloud, but I sometimes have a hidden desire to fast-forward history. I read a lot of projections and predictions about the future, some cynical, some knowledgeable, most admitting that we simply cannot know what is coming.

Except these few certainties like climate change, global competition for food ...