For those who don't experience it every day, it is hard to imagine how it can affect one's life: tooth pain. I arrived in Europe half a year ago with tooth pain, and despite several visits to the dentist, I am still suffering. I have chronic tooth pain, for more than five years now. I have only one wish ...
Meditation on Happiness
We begin with music. It is our intention to influence our own happiness. Breathe calmly. Imagine you have full control over your hormonal levels and neurotransmitters, especially oxytocin and dopamine. Would you keep them at a constant, optimal level so you can experience the most happiness that is physiologically possible. A standard response to that ...
Smile encounter
I ride the Seoul subway, line six. A small young woman in a colorful dress gets in and takes a seat. She is not Korean and she wears a scarf. As relative outsider in this monocultural megalopolis, I instinctively feel solidarity with the timid girl, whose face was ridden with acne. I smile at her. ...
Cheer up well done
So I have come to an inversion: your recognition will feel like an insult, (This is a defense mechanism) I have accomplished officially accomplished close to nothing, and I am still closing in to nothingness. This morning (but the diction is universal) I realized that all future things will be mere projections of the past, ...
Underground blues
I sing of happiness in little things a daughter who puts lipstick on my face the smile of a stranger when she sees my hat the dream of reading a poem to you one day the quiet jazz music they play in my café the traces of other minds on my computer screen the taste ...
Do you have that too, dad?
Recently, I purchased a used Konica Hexanon prime lens with an aperture of 1/1.4 and I am enjoying the amount of light that it can take in. With such apertures, the field of focus becomes very thin, and objects really stand out. Because the camera takes over some of the routine work of our eye, ...
November 4. Just look at the photos.

I have some sandwich from the fridge with cheese and pepper before I head out to the lively maze of old Aleppo and onto the dusty main road. At 11am I meet Murdoch and the clock tower and we spend a few good hours together. It turns out our interests are to a great ...