Trompsky #4
Welcome back professor Trompsky, how was your month, I think it has been a month since we have seen each other? - How was yours? [chuckles and murmurs] To be honest with you, sir, it has been terrible. I was terrified by all the suspicious packages addressed to the president's opponents, the horrendous rhetoric of ...
The contiguous society
The exponential growth of computing power has created unprecedented possibilities for the democratic organization of a people. Looking at the current voting system of democracies around the world however, very little of these digital innovations to improve the finding and execution of the 'will of the people' have been realized. It is largely unchartered territory, ...
Sanders – Trump
They had mounted a television set on the wall of the restaurant - there was no avoiding it. In the international news bulletin, there was Bernie Sanders calling for nothing less than a political revolution. He was more explicit about the "powers to be overthrown" than young Obama eight years ago: The one percent, corporate ...