Cursus gedichten verbeteren #38
Welkom bij een nieuwe aflevering van de cursus gedichten verbeteren. De vorige keer maakten we een vormvast mini-epos; dit keer is ons uitgangspunt een gedicht met een vrije vorm. we verruilen de klassieke Griekse oudheid voor China. Noedels de dag is vers deeg dat kneedbaar door bekwame handen glijdt de dag is een ambacht, waar ...
Poetin en Schröder in 2006 (is er wat veranderd?)
Poetin staat aan het gasfornuis en Schröder heeft de koksmuts op beiden voelen zich hier thuis in de kokschool aan de top Ze toveren een machtig feestmaal klotsen wild met kookgerei het spettert en het pruttelt allemaal en ze zijn als kinderen zo blij Hun macht is groot, ze smullen van het feestbuffet en drinken ...
May 16. Oh those rice terraces…
Windows of Yuanyang is a community shop selling handicraft run by the large Christian NGO World Vision. They cannot accept donations of any kind, because of the system the big host ngo imposes on them. I perfectly understand the need to eredicate corruption, but I simply can't deny that I feel the unnecessary burden of ...
May 11. The TRIKE.
Lijang offers what we need the next morning. We walk to a grand hotel and feel grand as well, when several employees do their best not only to seat us and offer us a Western breakfast, but also to call a taxis that can take us to a tricycle store. We use their internet for ...
Leisurely riding a tricycle and donating it to a merchant afterwards.
Go Give Concept, Lijang, ChinaLijang, China. May 19th, 2010We buy a tricycle to discover the beautiful area around touristic town of Lijang. With sow-capped mountains in the background and a fresh breeze, pedaling is a delight.

We then find a poor merchant and donate her the bicycle to enhance her livelihood.

April 25. Way high.
Arrive in China with a touch of old-age grandeur, by boat rather than by airplane. We take the big ferry from Incheon to Weihai (pronounced way high) and have a convenient overnight journey sleeping on a mat and munching cup-o-noodles. Upon arrival, we gaze at the diligent cranes and trucks performing the logistic necessities to ...
Sichuan Quake Relief
Chengdu, China. May 6th, 2010SQR (Sichuan Quake Relief) was founded by Peter Coff and other expats living in Chengdu immediately after the devastating 2008 earthquake. They deliver smart aid to the disaster regions.

We support SQR with a donation.

NameSichuan Quake ReliefAimMission statement: "Sichuan Quake Relief (SQR) is a non-profit, humanitarian organisation ...
Hong Kong CAN
Hong Kong, China. April 9th, 2010
Clean Air Network (CAN) is a network bringing together and amplifying the voices of individuals, groups and organizations and together we urge the Government to act immediately to clean our air.

We visit CAN during our stopover in Hong Kong and support the initiative with some publicity.