LIFE Argentina
L.I.F.E. ArgentinaBuenos Aires, August 30-September 1.In Buenos Aires there are certain areas, like Villa Ciudad Oculta, that you can't find on the map. They often don't have clean drinking water, electricity or gas, and the police won't enter there. The local ngo LIFE Argentina organizes events for children, supports soup kitchens and delivers school supplies. ...
March 21. The brewery in our head.
"Mi nombre es Cecilia si necessito cualcosa me llamas..." said the friendly waitress in the café where I write today. Writing in Buenos Aires is optimal. Firstly, it's one of the worlds most literate cities, with an impressive amount of good bookstores. Secondly, the wifi cafés are plenty and affordable. Thirdly, the climate stimulates creativity. ...
March 20. I read it in the guidebook.
Rested. Travel guidebooks use a rhetorically smooth English that I like to call mashed language. The smoothness of the idiom gives me an artificial taste in the mouth, a taste like a wine that is everymen's friend but leaves the connaisseur with a bitter aftertaste. It's the length of the sentences, the range of the ...
March 2.
Do you have to be miserable yourself to accept the Other's misery? What a question! Jack's dead one day and inappropriate questions already pop up like a Jack-in-the-box, so to speak. It's the kind of thing you think about on void days, on days when you only take a walk through a city like Buenos ...
March 1. Buenos Aires.
There are so many things that don't interest me not a tiny bit. It's not interesting to talk about them, so I leave that be. The first day of March passed by quietly and without any special effects. I hung out in an apartment in Buenos Aires and had a good time. There is not ...
February 27.
Today, Jack is asked deep questions. Why do people come to Jack with their questions? He doesn't know. He has an air of wisdom twinkling in his eyes, but in reality he cannot answer your questions. He will not and after a little while agree with you because that makes him feel good. Jack is ...
February 26. Beautiful skies.
I write a bad English to demonstrate the vanity of perfectionism. The text I will produce must be valueless; I envision loose threads in the tissue of your meaning. I don't know, I don't know. I am sitting in a plane again that flies through thin air. It will bring me to Buenos Aires, the ...