The opposite of Capitalism is not Socialism, but Laborism: an economical and politica system in which labor takes systematic precedence over capital. The power of the State is used to make labor, not capital, artificially scarce. Under Laborism, the workers have the power and the market is more free than can be realized under Capitalism.
i am my mother’s compliments the heat of her clapping hands compassion on an infinite vacation
wij leven in een soort amfitheater voor meningen die met elkaar de strijd aanbinden alleen: we wanen ons niet een van de mensen in het publiek maar Nero die ergens hoog op de tribune zit en met zijn ene duim over het lot beschikt
In a world where aging backwards is possible, aging forwards becomes sexy.
VLIEGTUIG ik zie het lichtvuil breidt zich als een schimmel uit tot ik ga slapen
Free society (noun) - social organization in which only the rich can organize to pay less taxes.
We should not teach our children how to masturbate! - Why not, sir? Carnal pleasure should be rediscovered anew by every generation.
Mightless words! Vehicles of nothing! Like barking to a dying possum, be this a command, what would you do?
"Accomplishments" always means accomplishments in the context of other people. Otherwise we would speak of the accomplishments of volcanoes, rivers, neutron stars.