Corporate Social Responsibility also means: to manufacture the kind of desires in your customers that don't lead to the degradation of the ecosystem.
[series-miru] Miru is now clapping her hands. At almost nine months, she is a very happy baby, and the occasional bouts of crying are interspersed with laughter and endless joy - for her as well as for her parents. She's a perfect baby, and if you a) don't believe me and b) read Korean, my ...
Mad Max World
Cover of Mad Max (Special Edition)We have been taught to accept whatever choices people make, as long as they are lawful. Within an essentially unquestioned framework called "The Law", we believe, people (I mean citizens) can live out their valuable freedom, and choose anything they want and cannot do in-justice.

Of course, "The Law" ...
October 5. Last week of preparations.
The ultimate goal could not possibly be something else than our own happiness, because it is through our sensory systems, our nervous systems, our backbones, and our brains that we experience it. If we are denying this and proclaim out loud how we could, oh, live off the mere view of a smiling child at ...
June 20. Serendipity.
An early flight to Seoul. I am so careful not to miss it that I spend the night in the airport. Twenty box for my taxi driver it's a long way from downtown Taipei to the international airport. I arrive there at 2am and try to lay down on the chairs (why don't they have ...