De Monday after
Vier jaar geleden werd Obama voor de tweede keer ingewijd als president van de Verenigde Staten. Mijn dochter was doen twee weken oud. Ik vroeg me vandaag af of ze zich nog iets uit die tijd kon herinneren, die voor haar eindeloos lang geleden schijnt. Toen Miru een baby was luisterden we naar vrolijke progressieve ...
The Decade of Inertia
Obama was perhaps catapulted into power by nifty social media outreach and a moderately credible promise of change we can believe in. When I look at the news, I don't believe in " real change" any more. Isn't the 'outcome' of climate conferences, such as those in Rio and Doha, always the same: empty promises ...
January 17-22. Finishing the Rainbow.
Those are the days in which we finish the painting of the orphanage and travel back to Nairobi to talk to corporates interested in sponsoring our initiative.

We feel very welcome and are glad to see Philip again. The walls have been plastered but they need some time to dry, so the painting can't ...
January 16. Obama’s grandmother.
Later than planned, well, the whole concept of planning erodes like the barren soil of deforestated plains, we leave for Kogelo, the village where Obama's grandmother and aunt live. I must tell you straight away it's a publicity thing. Visiting this village, saying hello to the grandmother of the officially most powerful man - i ...
February 16. Jack enters.
I decided to split up. One part of me is sitting in the sun being wonderfully happy, living up to his dreams to his heart's content, he produces reflections like sunrays on the surface of a still mountain like, and he produces the illusion that those reflections will last at least a few centuries. The ...
Finally: Lapland
The next day I said goodbye to Tuomo and tried to hitchhike to Rovaniemi. This turned out to be very difficult. I remember walking along a highway, and decided I had had enough, so I got back to Oulu, where I waited in a "cafe de Provence" for my train to Rovaniemi, writing, of course. ...