May 25. Hey. Pssst. Motorbike?
Countless curves await us on the eight-hour busride to Luang Prabang. The scenery is pretty as we expected, and makes up for our diet of dry cookies and sodas. I remember having a can of beer during the break, but apart from that, don't expect any events from the busride.
Arriving at Luang Prabang comes ...
May 24. Of motorbikes and hospitals.
We almost miss our morning ride to Namtha. I have the bus tickets and the bus (there are only a few daily) stops at Bryan and Leila's house early. We rush to the streets and take our seats in the crammed minibus. Quick handshakes and best-of-luck constitute our goodbye to these wonderful people. I want ...
March 13. Auroville.
I am not Shakespeare what do you expect? I don't even, even. Just .. howheea, grrr.. man .. why .. blog has been disappointing lately. And I can't do anything about it. How can .. a sincere story .. experiences .. the personal account of an incredible journey trying to make the world a better ...