Une flêche étrange pour G. Floyd
notre regard est comme une flêche étrange tirée de derrière notre dos. On voit: une mort très proche, qui devient histoire on nous raconte comme les briques qui font un bâtiment, comme les nombreux yeux qui, en tuant, font la morale.
Reading: The Just by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) must be anthologized or else... I have mixed feelings about the co-founder of postmodernist literature, who was praised, canonized and catapulted into the realm of immortality. I find his aleph a funny story and his experimental prose (eg 'Borges and I') were innovative at the time, but there is not much of the ...
The contiguous society
The exponential growth of computing power has created unprecedented possibilities for the democratic organization of a people. Looking at the current voting system of democracies around the world however, very little of these digital innovations to improve the finding and execution of the 'will of the people' have been realized. It is largely unchartered territory, ...