Be careful
Be particularly careful about the following four words: sacrifice, eternity, purity, redemption. If you hear any of these, sound the alarm. And if you happen to live in a country whose leader routinely says things like 'Their sacrifice will redeem the purity of our eternal nation' – know that you are in deep trouble. – Yuval Noah Harari, 21 lessons
Appeal to the electric god
Connect my head to your terminal with a fiber optic cable I'll waive my right to an eternity of not-me Have you noticed I am blushing? What can you infer from that? That I am excited, good. So you know everything about me. How, like most people, I doubly failed at Oedipus How I enjoy ...
Reading: Archibald by John Betjeman
Legendary poet laureate of the UK John Betjeman (1906-1984) was a nostalgic poet. According to Jocelyn Brooke, he is "a writer who uses the medium of light verse for a serious purpose: not merely as a vehicle for satire or social commentary, but as a means of expressing a peculiar and specialized form of aesthetic ...