Asociación Sucrense de Ecologia
Asociación Sucrense de Ecologia
Sucre. September 17, 2010.
Environmental education and awareness creation is important in a country like Bolivia, that is sitting on a wealth of natural resources and needs its citizens to be thoughtful about exploitation and environmental issues in general - for the sake of future generations.

Name:Asociación ...
Forest Voices
Forest Voices, SarawakKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. June 30th, 2010
Forest Voices documents the knowledge of the indigenous people of Sarawak, who have always lived with the forest and use it to empower them and reverse the trend of logging before it is too late.

We support with a small donation, our old camera, and some ...
Freeland Foundation
Bangkok, Thailand. June 22nd, 2010We spend Earth Day planting mangroves at the Khlong Pittayalongkorn School. With a small team of volunteers we give 350 saplings their place in the muddy waters south of Bangkok. The mangrove coast is home to a unique ecosystem that would perish if the trees disappeared.

Name:Freeland Foundation, Bangkok, ...