The power of corporations
We need to understand power, and specifically the power exercised by the agents of neoliberalism, the corporations. And it really isn't that hard. Simple dialectics: Power needs something outside itself in order to function. For example, a psychopath who tortures his victims must assume their independent ability to suffer in order to exercise his power. ...

Bullying! that's the solution. All we need is thousands of anonymous people following the decision makers of the big corporations (Monsanto, DOW, Bayer, Pfizer, Shell, Chevron, Conoco, Vale, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, BP, Coca Cola, Nestle, Apple, Samsung, Goldman Sachs, ...) everywhere they go. Make graffiti, pee in their gardens, block their garages and lawns, ...
Idea of Do NOT consume

I did it. I have alluded to the greatest possible crime against "the Economy". I have created a facebook page entitled "do not consume" on which I post a prohibition sign with the picture of a consumer item. It is intended to be a repetitive, mind-numbing message in exactly the same way the big ...