Vijgen in november
Daar moet over geschreven worden! De vijgenboom in de tuin draagt vruchten in november, rijpe vijgen die op de grond vallen en de oven ingaan met walnoten en geitenkaas. Een klimaatpleziertje. Tel daarbij de wijn- en olijvenoogst die de Noord-Europeanen de komende decennia te wachten staat en de toon is gezet: deze eeuw wordt een ...
Burning further apart
Eucalyptus trees depend on fire to release their seeds. Plants need CO2 for their survival. The ignorant, as well as the evil, can point at facts like these to undergird their complacency and inaction in the face of climate change. The ease with which they appear to convince themselves that any worldview matching their lifestyle ...
Don't underestimate the power of pretty scientific models! On the catwalk of the universe they are all we have.
Class Society
Bring it on, I hear myself thinking. Our economic reality is called class society. The wealthy one percent accumulates more and this seems to be a law of capitalism itself - we all know how the story goes. Given my pet dogma that makes saving our planet for future generations an absolute priority, I ask ...
Republican Senator Defies Gravity
Senator Ab Pallin has given a short speech yesterday, denouncing the scientific status of the theory of gravity. "Like all else our scientists come up with except marketable products, we are dealing here with just a theory. Don't let them tell you anything, my dear fellow freedom loving, god fearing citizens. Here's all there is ...
The Decade of Inertia
Obama was perhaps catapulted into power by nifty social media outreach and a moderately credible promise of change we can believe in. When I look at the news, I don't believe in " real change" any more. Isn't the 'outcome' of climate conferences, such as those in Rio and Doha, always the same: empty promises ...
Very Bad vs Downright Catastrophic Climate Change
Image courtesy of realclimate.orgOn this blog I find myself often describing the psychological features of our climatic predicament. I mean, we know the facts, people are working around the clock to get the facts straight, and have succeeded in spite of the heavy lobby in favor of 'the economy' and against the facts. You can ...
Minor Inconveniences

Caravaggio - The Sacrifice of IsaacCan we all contribute a little bit to make the world a better place? It sounds easy, and it feels good. There are thousands of web sites and campaigns clamoring people into donating a few percent of their wealth to the Good. There are even courageous politicians who dare ...