May 14. First day at sea.
We will leave today. Fabien arrives to wake us up and we finally set sail. Before we reach open waters, we buy some large chunks of ice to refrigerate the ham and cheese we have for the sandwiches during the sea crossing. I take a last glance at the town of Cartagena, that looks out ...
May 13. Waiting in the port.
Fabien sends a taxi to pick us up from the hostel. We have to wait a few hours in the Club Nautico before embarkation. Today, it's going to happen... my excitement has been stirred up like cappuccino foam for the last couple of days, and I do feel really good. It will be six days ...
May 12. The First Supper.
Fabien the captain takes my passport because he has to go the the immigration on our behalf and then it's time for lunch. Last lunch on this continent, with the last juice, the last soup. Today, I'll have the last bit of streetfood here, the last walk through a park, the last south American newspaper, ...
May 11. El gato negro.
In el gato negro you can have an excellent breakfast with real Columbian coffee prepared in a German way. The place is run by a worldwise grey-haired German lady, who manages it on her own. The place is open from 7am till 2pm and you can recognize it by the black cat on the door. ...
May 10. Guayaba cubes.
Guayaba cubes are an interesting aliment, and they go well with black coffee. After some writing, I walk to the city beach, which is not so far away. People are already spreading out and enjoying the sun. I just lay down on a rock and pondered. Am I getting old? At my age, normal people ...
May 9. Weary Cartagena.
I slept long, had breakfast with cheese bread, and wrote.
I went to eat something in old town, and wrote.
I went back to the hostel, and wrote.

"Some entries just say that he wrote."
-"Yes, it's boring, I feel like he is giving up."
"What do you mean, giving up?"
-"Like he's not ...
May 8. Waiting for our boat.
After only a few hours sleep we walk to the Club Nautico and say YES to Fabian and the Panama boattrip. And that was it. The next days we will spend waiting for the boat to leave. And I will write.

Consider this: THE KEYS.
"How did you get in?"
-"I still have the ...
May 7. Arrested!
Today, I go to the Club Nautico again, this time with a young Brit called David. He is a Londoner and I have met a lot of nice Londoners along the way. He is gathering random events, which I like a lot.
Doug's boat was already full, so we spoke to some more skippers. Olivier ...
May 6. Hot weather provokes dreams.
Yesterday, my old camera stopped working. I learned a lot about equilibrium in the process of buying a new one that occupies me today. The new one is a Samsung. I always wanted a Samsung because my ex-girlfriend is Korean. It's like I have her back, at least the nonfighting part of her.

And ...