In favor of diversity, multifariousness, and heterogenity
There is an old joke about a German, a Frenchman and an Englishman telling each other the word for butterfly in their native tongue. "Butterfly", the soft-spoken English gentleman whispers and you could almost hear the movement of a perfect specimen in his voice. "Papillon", murmurs the Frenchman, and his friends are enchanted by the ...
April 12. Some words about “moral”
Remember yesterday? That I dressed up a bump from head to toe? And proudly presented it to you? Today it's time for a little moralist sneer. Why do you have to tell this kind of stories, to proof you're good? Do you want the reader to admire you for it, do you want to tell ...
April 5. Iguazu Falls.
I have to admit the ad was too hysterical. Sorry for that. But I was a little bit bored and that's one of the things you do when you're bored. The other thing is to construct a theory of Pure Being. I'll do that later.

First, I'll tell you about the beautiful national park ...