Reading: Burning of books by Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)! When I was living in Berlin I intuitively liked the other of the Dreigroschenoper and Mutter Courage, even though I never sat through a live performance of his great plays for lack of money. He would understand. In his poetry, Brecht was a master of political verse, if I may lecture you ...
August 21. Ode to Brecht..
Berlin and getting organized. A short reflection today, about things. I sing the material blues. How do you relate to the things you possess? I guess it is something positive, the fact that you are the owner? How can it not be positive, that is the question. And, as you can guess, I think I ...
June 25. Pleasures.

Seoul is a city of pleasures. I mean, it's a brilliantly composed ouverture to heaven with all its incredible restaurants, comfortable private cinemas (DVD-bang), relaxing saunas, karaokebars, 24-hour-nightlife, well-kept parks, shining glass facades facing every street - and quiet Buddhist temple retreats.

I start resuscitating my hibernating writer side today, so blog entries ...