Trompsky #4
Welcome back professor Trompsky, how was your month, I think it has been a month since we have seen each other? - How was yours? [chuckles and murmurs] To be honest with you, sir, it has been terrible. I was terrified by all the suspicious packages addressed to the president's opponents, the horrendous rhetoric of ...
Houd moed!
"Het wezen van de macht, en ik gebruik een groot woord, is angst". Dit heeft Trump in een interview met wittehuisjournalist Bob Woodward gezegd. Of ongeveer zo gezegd, in 2016 of daaromtrent. Hier in Seoul zit de koude in de lucht en genieten mijn vrouw en ik van ons knusse huisje. Ik ben vandaag begonnen ...
Brazil kaputt
In a radio interview with a Dutch correspondent living in Rio, she expressed horror. The most likely president elect of Brazil this coming Sunday, the army captain Jair Bolsonaro, is worse than Duterte, Putin, Erdogan, Orbán and Trump combined. He will usher in a whole new level of autoritarianism. This piece of garbage is against ...