February 8. Terra Nova.
We pay a visit to our cause here in Beira: Terra Nova, a start-up social company (in the sense of M. Yunnus) composting urban waste. Its goal is to recycle 90% of Beira's urban waste - even mondially a quite unique figure for a town of this size. Sadly, local ngo's are not interested in ...
February 7. To Beira.
The chapa (minibus) to Beira leaves at 4 in the morning, and arrives at around 2pm. The road is long and good, but the seats where we have to try to sit on, provisionally installed in the aile of the jampacked vehicle to transport even more passengers, are not comfortable. Yeon's back hurts and I ...
Terra Nova
Terra Nova, Beira, MocambiqueBeira, Mozambique. February 7th - 9th, 2010Terra Nova is a unique social business, set up by a young French woman, producing compost by recycling urban market waste in Beira, Mocambique.

We help building a shelter for the local workers at the project site, and translating for their website.
