April 29. Artists in China an endangered species.
Today is our train to Xi'an. It leaves in the afternoon and we have "stand up" tickets that in the worst case will force us to sleep standing in the proximity of the train toilets while they are being frequented by other, more lucky, travelers seeking to relieve themselves from their instant cupnoodles and other ...
April 27. Magnificent Beijing.
A couchsurfing host has responded to our mail and so we move to Ba Mo's place in a calm district of Beijing this afternoon.

Before that we indulge in the tourist pleasures that this city has to offer (kindly note that cumulative endorphine levels during the preparation phase of a visit to the Forbidden ...
April 26. Arrrrrrrriving in Beijing.
We keep arriving in Beijing for hours, so huge is this city. Without any orientation thanks to our weight-saving measure of traveling without a guidebook, we gaze at the big buildings sighing "so this is Beijing". A natural urge makes us entter a coffee place that could easily serve a demanding European clientele. The internet ...