Kent u die van die baby die niet in zijn eigen land mag wonen?
Over subtiele schending van de mensenrechten in Nederland anno 2013 Maakt u zich geen zorgen: dit is geen oproep aan de lezer om in actie te komen. Het gaat me erom, dat mensen weten wat sommige medeburgers bezighoudt. Als u verder leest, treft u geen gironummer van een hulpbehoevende organisatie aan, slechts de briesende (en ...
What if our child becomes…?
[series-miru] Our daughter is 66 days old now and most of her actions are reflexes of the hunger she feels, the discomfort her skin communicates to her, the sounds she hears and the blotches of color we assume she sees. She smiles a lot, and we've been tempted to attribute that to her character, but ...
Cries and Music
This is part of a series of blog posts that is inspired by our baby daughter, Miru. It is well known that babies have a sonic prehistory that starts in the womb, and advice to comfort a baby often includes exposing her to white noise similar to the audible sensations she had while in utero. There ...
Burping the baby
This is part of a series of blog posts that is inspired by our baby daughter, Miru. Imitation, it seems, begins as soon as our children open their eyes, just in ways we are unable to recognize due to our preoccupation with highbrow communication techniques like smiling and cooing. What if the baby develops its ...
Carried Away By No Photo
Here's the scandal: My baby is three weeks old and the photo of my baby is still not all over the Internet, despite the fact that the most common reaction is -"Congratulations! Photos?" Of course as a healthy-grumpy-cynical philosopher I recognize how mindless this reflex is, and how we as members of a predominantly visual ...
March 13. Providence.
Friday the thirteenth. I am in a café where the waiter has bloody eyes and under the glass plates of the tables are roasted and unroasted coffee beans. Santiago de Chili is a magnificent city, a metropole with many faces. I've been here for a couple of days now and moved about the center enough ...