June 1. Stay another day…

On our extra day we visit Peuan Mit again, have a nice cup of coffee there and I donate what is left in kip to their program. That is a no-brainer for travelers, of course. Whatever you have left IS part of your budget so don’t come with “I don’t have money” it won’t work not with me.

We also stop by at bigbrothermouse (remember, that project with the a-hole in Luang Prabang), a beautiful initiative  carried out by a harsh antisocial expat living in Luang Prabang by the name of Sascha Alyson. I visited him at his office there and instead of a warm welcome (I wanted to donate 250$ to his project) he told me I could look at the website. Later, more people confirmed that this man behaved oddly, and I was relieved. At least it wasn’t me. But having experienced it perfide owner, I wasn’t going to avoid his interesting initiative, increasing literacy in rural Laos by installing libaries in village schools. I went in and put our suggestion in the suggestion box. “Work together with 1kgmore”. Would Sascha Alyson be thankful? A propos, you can visit their website www.bigbrothermouse.com, it really IS a great initiative!

At five pm there’s a bus to Hue in Vietnam. We would love to visit Savannaketh on the way, but time decides against it. A thoughtful end to this post, combining literate trash and philosophical sprinkle: It’s us who decide against it not Chronos, it’s priority not the pendulum.

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