Far away
The cattle is furrier The mountains are sharper The birds cry louder The houses are homelier And the women
Reading: Not as much by Fanny Howe
Fanny Howe (b. 1940) is an acclaimed New England poet who published 20 books. She has won numerous awards. I read a small poem that I think is representative of her work, as it is the careful registration in language of a familiar experience. Not as much Bracken and primrose edible smells the color of ...
Reading: Hypocrite Women by Denise Levertov
Denise Levertov (1923-1997) was a prolific British-born American writer who never received formal education. Influences are among others the Blue Mountain school, William Carlos Williams, Rilke. She was a very serious social activist who at times seemed arrogant to her readers. Here is a poem that is prettily vulgar: Hypocrite women Hypocrite women, how seldom ...
Kagisano Women’s shelter project / jewelry workshop
Kagisano Women's shelter projectGabarone, Botswana. February 21th, 2010
Kagisano provides shelter for abused women and supports them with vocational training. One of their projects is a paper maché jewelry workshop in Gaborone.

We visit the workshop and make a donation to provide some supplies for the handicraftproject.

NameKagisano Women's shelter project / ...
Febrauary 25. São Paolo.
The sheer size of this city. I arrived dreaming weird dreams on the heavily airconditioned coach I took. All kinds of people live in those dreams, they assume each other's roles and exchange them like I don't know what. They say sentences laden with meaning, sentences leave their mouths and fizzle out against my eardrums. ...