Urban sketch #3
On today's walk I go further than ever before: all the way to the Sky Park and the Sunset Park, two wonders of urban development right next to the neighborhood I live in since March. The Parks were formerly the world's largest mound of municipal waste, spreading an unbearable stench and belching forth methane, which ...
She holds the spoon
Today, I took Miru out for a walk through the park and the few blocks I wanted to discover today. She strolled casually next to me on the sidewalk (and less casually when we went downhill). The part of Lisbon we explored is made for cars, and so I had the opportunity to teach her ...
Kiev #2. A walk through the city.
Another day spent writing in a kitchen, drinking cinnamon tea and concentrating on the narrative of my book. Life's good. In the evening we went to the center (the apartment I stayed in was half an hour by maschrutka or minibus from the historical Kiev) for a walk. We saw the churches and buildings of ...
Tallinn #2
The next day I had a lot of coffee and I managed to write a lot. I also began to take this blog seriously. Then I walked through the Old Town, which is really impressive. Enclosed in medieval city walls, there are a few square kilometers of cobble stone roads with beautiful houses. I walked ...