Terug in Seoul
Teruggekeerd naar mijn habitat in mijn eigen leuke wijk in Seoul, overzie ik glimlachend de afgelopen maanden, waarin ik mijn m'n dochter door Nederland fietste (en daar verslag van deed op Facebook). Dankbaarheid domineert mijn stemming over die hele geschiedenis: niet veel vaders menen de vrijheid te hebben om zo'n reis met hun kind te ...
Joan Cornellà
Gisteren bracht ik met mijn vrouw en dochter een bezoek aan een kleine kunstgalerij hier in Seoul, want er was een tentoonstelling van de Spaanse kunstenaar Joan Cornellà die ik bewonder om zijn sardonische genie. Het was een zonnige dag en de galerij was bomvol ijverig fotograferende Koreaanse bezoekers en een enkele buitenlander die in ...
Urban sketch #3
On today's walk I go further than ever before: all the way to the Sky Park and the Sunset Park, two wonders of urban development right next to the neighborhood I live in since March. The Parks were formerly the world's largest mound of municipal waste, spreading an unbearable stench and belching forth methane, which ...
Gisteren maakte ik een flinke bergwandeling in de sprookjesachtige bergen ten noorden van Seoul. Het zonnetje scheen, de fijnstofconcentratie was iets minder dodelijk dan normaal, er woei een frisse wind dus ik tippelde gelukkig over de zandsteenrotsen omhoog. Helaas werd ik de hele weg begeleid door dezelfde zeikende pijn in mijn godverdomde bek die me ...
Joining Forces across the Globe
Joining Forces across the Globe
8 October 2011. Seoul / DakarWe have joined forces with Brazilian freelance photographer and documentary film maker Marcos Piani. Together, we will produce multilingual articles and documentaries focusing on pure grass roots initiatives. We are looking forward to bring captivating stories of change that would otherwise remain below the radar ...
Migrant Worker televisionSeoul, Korea. April 15th, 2010An independent television channel operated by migrant workers from several Asian nations aimed at supporting their nationals who are employed in South Korea.

We visit their center and make a small contribution.

NameMigrant Worker Television, Seoul, South KoreaAim"gathering the voices of migrant workers in Korea and ...
July 12. The human predicament.
This day is intentionally left out. Writing this some weeks later, I can hardly remember what I did. I guess I hung out with my new friends in Seoul. Played pool on the 28th floor of an apartment building overlooking greater Seoul and the surrounding mountains we hiked a few days ago. Watching movies and ...
June 25. A Nobel Writer.
I walk around the Namdaemung area, and enter the famous market. A Japanese history writer takes me into his friend's Ginseng store. He has written some books about Korean-Japanese history.
"Five books. But I still very poor."
-"Aren't most writers?"
"You will have success. Be Nobel writer."
His friend smiles. "Nobel writer." he repeats nodding ...
June 25. Pleasures.

Seoul is a city of pleasures. I mean, it's a brilliantly composed ouverture to heaven with all its incredible restaurants, comfortable private cinemas (DVD-bang), relaxing saunas, karaokebars, 24-hour-nightlife, well-kept parks, shining glass facades facing every street - and quiet Buddhist temple retreats.

I start resuscitating my hibernating writer side today, so blog entries ...