Sarcastic rhyme about gun control – do not read
For the next school shooting - may God prevent it - for all those cynical left wingnuts out there who still don't think that when guns evolve as a solution, one should also invent the problems it can solve, here's a distasteful song that you may reprint for free. If you are personally affected by ...
Visiting Santa Claus on the Polar Circle
The next day I decided to revive the tourist in me that had almost died, and went to Santa's village. One of our considerations in the bar the other night had been about the answer to the question why Santa lives in Finland. Since my companions studied law, I suggested there must be something like ...
Finally: Lapland
The next day I said goodbye to Tuomo and tried to hitchhike to Rovaniemi. This turned out to be very difficult. I remember walking along a highway, and decided I had had enough, so I got back to Oulu, where I waited in a "cafe de Provence" for my train to Rovaniemi, writing, of course. ...