Appeal to the electric god
Connect my head to your terminal with a fiber optic cable I'll waive my right to an eternity of not-me Have you noticed I am blushing? What can you infer from that? That I am excited, good. So you know everything about me. How, like most people, I doubly failed at Oedipus How I enjoy ...
Reading: Pieces of Shadow by Jaime Sabines
Today I found a poem by the Mexican poet Jaime Sabines (1926-1999) in a translation by W.S. Merwin. According to Octavio Paz he was one of the greatest. The original Spanish poem can be found here. I don't know it for certain, but I imagine that a man and a woman fall in love one ...
Miroslav Holub: The end of the world
I would like to publish an eclectic anthology. I don't know yet who will be included or excluded, it is a journey of first steps. Today, I try to say what I like about this little verse by the Czech immunologist and poetic giant Miroslav Holub, called 'the end of the world'. The bird had ...
Reading: John Ashberry – Some trees
What is it that I like about the following early John Ashberry poem (he was 21 when he wrote it)? To meet as far this morning / From the world as agreeing / With it, you and I / Are suddenly what the trees try
February 5. At the Docks again.
I went to the docks again, wanted to find out if a crossing is possible in early February. Here's the result: no. The freighters have their European Union regulations with safety measures and every human being on board needs a certification for everything. It would take me months to do the necessary paperwork and besides, ...