July 31. Seven Trips.

I go out when my couch surfer goes to work and get back home when she is back too. I write in my favorite coffee place, caffeine doesn't make up for flawed inspiration, then I buy myself a cellphone and call my friend Ann. We meet in front of a shopping mall and I ...
March 3. Ride to Patagonia.
We took a bus to Bariloche, a small town in the southern Andes that attracts many tourists. The bus ride was about 20 hours and really comfortable. By any measure, bus service in Argentina is superior. To Bariloche, there was only one bus a day and we had to wait until four. There
was a ...
February 19. Jazz
A life for the art is a life apart. A life à part, a sacrifice of solitude. You have to keep moving on, or you will become mediocre, a painful aesthetic entrepreneur smiling unctuously to his customers. But how do you live art? Hear that question? It is no good thinking about that at all. ...