June 30. Forest Voices.
Remember the day I shouted to the man, whose lean and clean English intimidated me so  much, because I mistakenly thought I had lost the ticket and he wouldn't let me on the bus? It happened yesterday, it happened through my conscious mind, it keeps happening as temper is hard to overcome.

Meeting and ...
June 29. Supporting Causes in Malaysia
I want to support something in Malaysia, my hands always start itching after a few days of idling. I don't want to dive into the psychological complexities underlying my passion to help where help is needed, and I leave that to the "Nachwelt", the judging generations after we have all perished. So where to look? ...
June 28. Glasses are stolen.
My glasses are stolen. This is the right moment. Yes, it is, yes. It is the last item that I carry from the past. How much can I give in to my tendency to dramatize the event, to clay it with fatty fingers and make it into something with some sort of celestial essence. Right. ...
June 27. K.L.
We don't get up too early, and stretch the morning. You know what I mean, just being without pretentions.

In the afternoon, we attempt to hitchhike towards Kuala Lumpur, and our first few lifts are easy. They take us to the right gas station where we could try to get a lift.
A nice ...