Reading: Body, Remember by Constantine Cavafy
Cavafy (1863-1933) was of course one of the most important Greek modern poets. I read this short poem in an English translation by  Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard Body, Remember Body, remember not only how much you were loved, not only the beds you lay on, but also those desires that glowed openly in eyes ...
Reading: Injustice by Yannis Ritsos
Yannis Ritsos (1909-1990) is one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century (according to Luis Aragon, the greatest). Brilliant as his arcane, mythological works (The fourth dimension about the house of Atreus) are, critics consider his shorter poems that transform simple experiences into surrealist insights, his best work. Dicit George Economou: Ritsos "records, at times celebrates, ...