October 20. Flying over Europe.

Up Early. The bus to Heathrow operates timely, in the huge terminal five there are no complications. The flight is comfortable and comes with a lot of smiles and a 187,5 ml bottle of Ceyraz. I read the in-flight magazine, the featured article about a Brit riding his bike across the Netherlands ...
August 25. Owl to Athens.
On the road again. You know I have a tendency to overdo things, and so when I say I am flying to a place where it is hot I really mean it - I fly to Athens, where wildfires sadly devour large areas and have reached suburbs. Prime minister Karamanlis has declared the state of ...
February 20. Rio
That day, Jack decides to go to Rio de Janeiro for the Carnival. It's very famous down there. He comes to me in the morning, all excited about it, says he would dance all night and drink juicy beverages and make love to the Brazilian women. I say Jack you know what? I'm coming with ...
Katowice to the Netherlands
Finally, a bus picked us up and drove to the Polish border. Border control took about two hours, they really took their time. But I didn't care, because they played a movie on the in-bus television screen. It was a Russian remake of the action movie "commando" (1985), called "День Д"(Day D), brainless entertainment.
It ...
Kiev to Lviv
After visiting the beautiful Crimea, I took the night train back to Kiev, where I spent a few more days writing and hanging out with very kind Ukraineans. My plan was to go hitchhiking to the Netherlands to celebrate Christmas with my family. Since I had good experiences fetching a ride up north, I thought ...