Hate is the fear that your story won’t prevail.
The Fear to End all Fears
They are coming for me. To them, I will be bare matter, perhaps with the first signs of attempted self-organization. These signs are altogether boring and trivial because my mind - the official word for such attempted self-organization - is far inferior to them. To the purview of their intelligence, I am entirely predictable. There ...
Reflections On A Rainy Monday
To get the feeling that I have accomplished something today, and in the vein of embracing my imperfection, I begin this piece at 12:50 am. Where I write, in Seoul, Tuesday has already begun. For most of the people who potentially read this, Tuesday is still hours away. For them it is squarely Monday. Before ...
Meditation on purpose
We sit still with our eyes closed. In the distance, across the fields, are green hills. Alright, this is my concrete situation perhaps not yours. Never mind. The why-question or more precisely the what are we here for question is personally daunting. So much so, that we assume we can hardly help each other finding ...
May 8. Waiting for our boat.
After only a few hours sleep we walk to the Club Nautico and say YES to Fabian and the Panama boattrip. And that was it. The next days we will spend waiting for the boat to leave. And I will write.

Consider this: THE KEYS.
"How did you get in?"
-"I still have the ...
April 9. More nonsense.
Working on fear. My traveling is a kind of therapy program, but it's not only for me individually. I want to use my person as an example, make a little sacrifice to psychological science. When you die, you can fill out a form (that is, before you die of course) declaring that Science can use ...