Toen Gary Kasparov in 1996 verloor van Deep Blue voelde hij zich existentieel verslagen. Er zat een vreemde intelligentie tegenover hem die hij niet kon doorgronden en die zich binnen afzienbare vele malen slimmer zou zijn dan hij. Twintig jaar later ervoer Lee Sedol hetzelfde toen de wereldkampioen Go verloor van Google's supercomputer Alpha Go. ...
May 7. Arrested!
Today, I go to the Club Nautico again, this time with a young Brit called David. He is a Londoner and I have met a lot of nice Londoners along the way. He is gathering random events, which I like a lot.
Doug's boat was already full, so we spoke to some more skippers. Olivier ...
April 14. Just another day.
I decide to return and stay some more days in Buenavista. I can work there well, and La Paz can wait. A taxi takes me back to the village and the kind people of the restaurant Paraba Azul. They have offered me a place to stay. I can write in a house again, get some ...