All about: China

Poetin en Schröder in 2006 (is er wat veranderd?)
May 16. Oh those rice terraces…
May 11. The TRIKE.
Leisurely riding a tricycle and donating it to a merchant afterwards.
We then find a poor merchant and donate her the bicycle to enhance her livelihood.
April 25. Way high.

Sichuan Quake Relief
We support SQR with a donation.
NameSichuan Quake ReliefAimMission statement: "Sichuan Quake Relief (SQR) is a non-profit, humanitarian organisation ...

Hong Kong CAN
Clean Air Network (CAN) is a network bringing together and amplifying the voices of individuals, groups and organizations and together we urge the Government to act immediately to clean our air.
We visit CAN during our stopover in Hong Kong and support the initiative with some publicity.