Brazil kaputt
In a radio interview with a Dutch correspondent living in Rio, she expressed horror. The most likely president elect of Brazil this coming Sunday, the army captain Jair Bolsonaro, is worse than Duterte, Putin, Erdogan, Orbán and Trump combined. He will usher in a whole new level of autoritarianism. This piece of garbage is against ...
Reading: Souvenir of the ancient world by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Today I read a well-known poem by the famous Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987). The original is called 'LEMBRANÇA DO MUNDO ANTIGO', and I go with the following English translation: Souvenir of the ancient world Clara strolled in the garden with the children. The sky was green over the grass, the water was ...
Revolutionary Rant
Buckminster Fuller. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Contrary to my habits (but what are habits worth), I republish a piece of raw text originally meant as a small comment on a social network. It was about a quote of Buckminster Fuller, saying that we keep inventing new jobs to control each other, while the real work can ...