June 17. Shelved up. Or so.
I finish that darn bookshelf and Saveth, who has been reluctant and at first seems to be a  little bit flustered by my insistency, is happy with the result. After changing the hanging method as I had insisted, we finally manage to hang the bookshelf where we want it to be and start putting the ...
June 16. Working Day.
This is a working day. We take the tuk-tuk to town and go shopping. I buy all kind of stationary for KNGO, ranging from a soccer ball to a few hundred notebooks, pens, bilingual storybooks to paint supplies and buckets. It is easy to find and we are quick and efficient, I like that so ...
KNGO CambodiaBatambang, Cambodia. June 17th - 20th, 2010
KNGO provides vocational training (computer skills and English) to underprivileged children in Battambang, Cambodia.

We work with KNGO in June 2010. Our activities include
decorating the centerdonating stationary and libary books

NameKhmer New Generation Organization, Battambang, CambodiaAimTo support poor children getting a better chance in ...