Rage Against The Water Closet
I want to relate an experience I had today and that has exhausted my battery of expletives. It is as banal as it can be: The flushing mechanism of the toilet in my apartment broke. At first, I scoffed at it, remembering that a friend once told me, "if it's yellow let it mellow, if ...
All that energy that could be used to work together to improve the human condition, goes to competing for hungry eyeballs.
Don't underestimate the power of pretty scientific models! On the catwalk of the universe they are all we have.
Trompsky #4
Welcome back professor Trompsky, how was your month, I think it has been a month since we have seen each other? - How was yours? [chuckles and murmurs] To be honest with you, sir, it has been terrible. I was terrified by all the suspicious packages addressed to the president's opponents, the horrendous rhetoric of ...
Professor Trompsky #3
Professor Trompsky, welcome. I guess you are a regular on our show now. - Yes you could say that [chuckles] Just  before this interview, you said you had a mediocre ephiphany. Care to elaborate? - Yes. Consider thissimple question. Would you increase your happiness at the cost of another's happiness? I guess not. - But isn't ...
Brazil kaputt
In a radio interview with a Dutch correspondent living in Rio, she expressed horror. The most likely president elect of Brazil this coming Sunday, the army captain Jair Bolsonaro, is worse than Duterte, Putin, Erdogan, Orbán and Trump combined. He will usher in a whole new level of autoritarianism. This piece of garbage is against ...
Professor Trompsky #2
Welcome back professor Trompsky, glad you took your time to talk about the controversial Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. - Thank you. These are very serious matters yes. I think he is the least capable person in America today to become a Supreme Court Justice. Every which way you look at it, this nomination ...
Objet trouvé: modesty
A great man is always willing to be little. - Ralph Waldo Emerson A modest little person, with much to be modest about. - Winston Churchill I want to stretch out my tentacles to tackle the idea of modesty. Sound the clarions, hoist the flags, this self-proclaimed writer marches in to lecture about a virtue ...