Piano Concerto
Today I felt something again. It has been a while. I felt something while listening to music: Elation, Otherworldliness. Fate.
Het lievelingsboek van mijn jeugd was Pluk van de Petteflet. Ik had vanwege mijn bizar slechte geheugen voor verhalen vergeten waar het eigenlijk om ging in het boek. Voor mij is het na dertig jaar dus ook spannend om het voor te lezen aan mijn vijfjarige dochter Miru. Iedere dag roept ze "Pluktime!" na het ...
From quiet homes and first beginning, out to the undiscovered ends, there's nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends. - Hilaire Belloc
Reading: In The Summer by Nizar Qabbani
Nizar Qabbani (1923-1998) was a Syrian diplomat, poet and publisher. His poetic style combines simplicity and elegance in exploring themes of love, eroticism, feminism, religion, and Arab nationalism (Wikipedia). I read a simple love poem, translated by B. Frangieh And C. Brown, that sounds unmistakenly Arabic: In the summer In the summer I stretch out on the ...
“It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.” Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018
Zeus, I tithe: your might, delivers me, timely, to the light.
Reading: Tarantella by Hillaire Belloc
Hillaire Belloc (1870-1953) was a prolific Anglo-French poet and historian who was considered one of the four great British writers of the Edwardian age, along with Chesterton, Shaw and H.G. Wells. "Among his best-remembered poems are Jim, who ran away from his nurse, and was eaten by a lion and Matilda, who told lies and was ...
Het mag!
Zoals u weet voel ik bij tijd en wijle te behoefte om op deze plaats quatsch te schrijven. Meestal komt dat doordat ik de afgelopen week geen onderwerp ben tegengekomen dat ik in een column wil gebruiken. Soms is er sprake van een vaag gevoel waaraan ik graag uitdrukking wil verlenen, al weet ik dat ...
listen to Bach (and die)
there is no landscape but a row of black I totem poles absolution dogs us in complex fugues played on a mole's sleeping belly mad frogs wearing unreliable diapers augur a couple more dimensions in which we thrive like ferns in giant forests (we eat the lumens) and keep patenting that impossible is nothing