Reading: The Evening Of The Mind by Donald Justice
Donald Justice (1925-2004) was a quietly influential poet from Iowa with a sharp and versatile mind. He wrote free form poetry as well as sonnets, sestinas and villanelles. His Selected Poems won the 1979 Pulitzer Prize. Here is The evening of the mind: The evening of the mind Now comes the evening of the mind. Here ...
Reading: To You by Kenneth Koch
New York School poet Kenneth Koch (1925-2002) was called "the funniest serious poet we have". His engaged poetry is often funny, but Koch is serious about his craft. He also wrote short satirical plays and worked very successfully with children. I read a love poem, "To You". To You I love you as a sheriff searches for ...
Reading: Herons by Robert Bly
Robert Bly (b. 1926) was the child of Norwegian immigrants to the US. He is considered a nonacademic and very American poet (the plains of Minnesota...) He is also an important translator of Norwegian and Spanish poetry. One of his projects was writing a poem every morning and these Morning poems are considered to be among the best ...
Reading: The Feast by Galway Kinnell
Galway Kinnell (1927-2004) was an engaged, versitale and prolific American poet who won many awards (Pulitzer, National Book Award. I read a classing sounding poem, called the Feast: The Feast Juniper and cedar in the sand. The lake beyond, here deer-meat smoking On a driftwood fire. And we two Reaching each other by the wash ...
The |
the | is an illusion: let's create a couple also, let's write some lines to pass the test of time illusion me with your eyes and we will always be in the prime of our lives
Reading: A Blessing by James Arlington Wright
James Wright (1927-1980) won a Pulitzer Prize for his collected poetry in 1972 (fun fact: his son Franz Wright also won a Pulitzer Prize for poetry, which makes them unique). He was considered a technical innovator, well known for his depictions of the post-industrial American mid-West. The following poem is frequently anthologized: A Blessing Just ...
Halbe maakt zegetocht door Nederlandse taal
Uitdrukking Betekenis halbe waarheid onwaarheid halbwaardetijd hoe lang het duurt voor een leugen uitkomt halberen fantaseren het halbe werk bluffen over je ervaring met een halb oor luisteren doen, alsof het wereldpolitiek is een halb woord nodig hebben leugens kritiekloos geloven twee ei is een halb ei Halbe spreekt de waarheid als Pasen en Pinksteren ...
Nachtfietserij II
Het was middernacht toen ik de Tempelier verliet. Ik stak de grote Waalbrug over en fietste door fantasieloze buitenwijken die 's nachts muisstil waren. Er stonden blokkendozen in de steigers, die bewoond moeten gaan worden door gelukkige forensen. Ik dacht aan die ideologie van stapelbaar, modulair geluk, geleefd in doodse functionele woonwijken. Doorgeplande dorpen ontworpen ...
Reading: Peaches by Peter Davison
Today I read a playful and fruity poem by American poet Peter Davison (1928-2004), who I understood was a quiet but powerful figure in American poetry who deeply believed in his craft. Here is "peaches": Peaches A mouthful of language to swallow: stretches of beach, sweet clinches, breaches in walls, bleached branches; britches hauled over haunches; ...