The Lightness of Being

"Recently I had contact with a scale. Not an old squeaking household scale, but an industrial-grade scale with metal footholds and a very precise digital display boasting accuracy in the hundredths. I was naked, and the scale was thus threatening to tell me the only truth. I waited for a short moment, then gathered ...
Writing. Laughing.
What is the value of writing? Thinking, shared. The ability to think old thoughts again, sharpen them, create a monument for our live thinking that otherwise would exist only as marginal comments to whatever circumstances we've concentrated our thoughts on. Systems of thoughts can be dangerous; history is full of examples. See the system of ...
consumeren is een misdaad
we noemen het zonde, zodat onze cultuur er wel raad mee weet:
we timmeren er gewoon een paar crucifixen bij, en
vinden altijd wel iets dat ons onze zaligheid geeftJezus maakt me blij
Walmart maakt me vrijik schreef dat soort dingen vele jaren geleden
toen er nog tienduizenden soorten
bestonden, die ...