June 17. Shelved up. Or so.

I finish that darn bookshelf and Saveth, who has been reluctant and at first seems to be a  little bit flustered by my insistency, is happy with the result. After changing the hanging method as I had insisted, we finally manage to hang the bookshelf where we want it to be and start putting the books on it. They are dug out of a huge blue travel bag that stands in the corner accumulating layers of dust. Genie would have time to label the books so that KNGO could lend them to children and increase the popularity of reading in the community.

Also, Yeon completes the painting of the walls, and we take some nice shots posing in front of them. I hope they will have the intended effect of making the center look more interesting both to sponsoring visitors and the children who come here to learn computer and English skills.

It have been two highly effective days, and we plan to do more for Saveth and his NGO from the road, making sure his presentation on the internet is decent and he attracts the volunteers he needs.
We say goodbye to Saveth, who takes us to Battambang with his tuktuk, and Genie, who will volunteer one more week at KNGO. At Battambang we have to spend another night at a guesthouse, since the busses to Siem Reap, a place whereupon I insisted in order to take in an experience so many people have told me should not be missed: we will visit Ankor Wat.

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